You suffer from Sleep disorders?
Do you know it? Are you unable to fall asleep or are you as physically and mentally exhausted in the morning as you were when you went to bed at night?
Do you know it? Are you unable to fall asleep or are you as physically and mentally exhausted in the morning as you were when you went to bed at night?
Sleep disorders can occur in the
in the most diverse manifestations
occur. There are
four main sleep disorders
is that you can not fall asleep.
is that you wake up after a certain time and then you can’t go back to sleep. can, although one is actually tired.
The third is that you always wake up at a certain time and then lie there wide awake and can’t fall asleep again for a long time.
The fourth option is that you have a very light sleep, have the impression that you are can not get into the necessary deep sleep and in the morning also not slept, but rather is cogged.
When the
Ambient energy negative
is or is characterized by distraction, the body automatically tries to avoid it and this is “the disorder” that you can not fall asleep or you get up in the morning just as exhausted as you went to bed in the evening. In
Rare cases
the sleep disorder is due to a
physical issue
, such as sleep apnea or circulatory-related ailments.
There are two authoritative approaches to the solution, which are considered individually:
most common solution
concerns the
Ambient energy
. If this is very low, the body cannot “refuel” energetically. This need for refueling would require a walk in the woods or outdoors. So if you can sleep wonderfully on vacation or somewhere other than home and are fit during the day and this is different again when you are back home, this would be a clear indication that the Ambient energy has a negative effect on your own body. In this case a
Contact the IPR Institute
for physical room harmonization (, which is specialized in this field,
further option
of the clarification is a test with a sleeping place harmonizer and a standard energy activator. When stress factors such as toxins and microbes at the energy centers (chakras or endocrine glands) cause the energetic shield to be unstable (subtle aura or etheric body or subtle body), then the vital energy flows out uncontrolled and
is not available
With the
standard energy activator and the sleeping place harmonizer in combination
body’s own energy shield is strengthened and
and the sleeping place harmonizer neutralizes the natural
natural interference zones in the sleeping area are neutralized
. If this is the cause, sleep patterns change noticeably and fatigue during the day diminishes when using the Sleep Place Harmonizer at the sleeping place and carrying the Standard Energy Activator.
If this measure is still not enough
it is possible that your
sensitivity increased by additional stress factors
been. Sensitivity can be improved in a first step with the following Activation levels 1 to 3 “neutralized”. If this does not yet lead to the ideal success, there are still
further 3 activation levels up to activation level 6
For each activation level a
respective duration of 4 weeks
can be estimated.
Activation level 1
(toxins and microbes on the endocrine glands) with the energy activators CHRON and GHMF.
Activation level 2
(toxins and microbes on the organ systems) with the energy activators ACUTE and TOTAL.
Activation level 3
(aura or subtle body dimensions) with the energy activators AUGN and light.
Activation level 4
(subtle body dimensions) with the activator AAUGN.
Activation level 5
in the physical cells with the energy activator REGULATION.
Activation level 6
with the energy activator GENESUNG.
Information on the registration procedure, shipping service provider, statistical evaluation and revocation in our privacy policy.
© 2020 IPR Institute for Physical Room Harmonization
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